
If we were destined
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In the story:

That man: Let's go this way. This way is my car.

Baekhyun felt that the man's hand was way bigger than his, it was firm yet soft. He also had a very strong scent of sandalwood with hints of floral aroma.

While the man was sitting Baekhyun down, Baekhyun could feel the man's hand on his head, preventing him from getting hit.

Baekhyun sat down and closed the door. He man the man turn around and sit in the front seat. The puppy was at the back, but it soon jumped and sat on Baekhyun's lap.

The man: Oh sorry! I'm surprised my puppy likes you so much! He doesn't even like to stay with my brother.

Baekhyun: I'm delighted! He has a cute name.

The man: Thanks.

Baekhyun: What colour is he?

The man: He's pure white!

Baekhyun while playing with Vivi: Aww you cutie!

Vivi had taken a great liking to Baekhyun, him.

Baekhyun while giggling: It tickles!

The man: So where do you want me to drop you off?

Baekhyun told him his address.

The man was looking at them with an amused expression. He realised how beautiful Baekhyun looked.

The man: By the way, how old are you? Just asking. If you don't want don't say.

Baekhyun: I'm 24.

The man: So you're older than me? I'm 22, but you look so young! You could probably pass as a 16 year old.

Baekhyun: Thanks. My friend also says that.

The man: If you don't mind do you want me to play a song?

Baekhyun: Sure!

The song 'It's Destiny ' played. The man could hear Baekhyun quietly sing along. He was amazed by how beautiful Baekhyun's voice is.

Baekhyun: Sorry, I just couldn't resist! I love singing and this song is one of my favorites! Is it really bad?

The man: No it's amazing! You should be a singer.

Baekhyun face suddenly got gloomy.

Baekhyun: I tried but I was refused..over and over again. It was my dream since I was a kid to be a singer but ever since I became blind, things changed.

The man: Oh that's sad.So what do you do now?

Baekhyun: I-

The man: Sorry, I got a call.

The man answered his call.

The man: Yeah hyung, what's up?

That man stopped for some seconds.

That man: Oh, Vivi pooped in your bed? Sorry! Please clean your bed! Sorry not sorry! No I can't. I will be late.Please manage it.

The man cut the call.

The man turned to Vivi: Bad doggie! How did you get naughty Vivi?? Why is that your favorite pooping spot?

The man, now facing Baekhyun: You don't know, my dog doesn't approach my hyung much but he approaches his bed often, just to poop on it!

Baekhyun laughed along with man.

The man suddenly stopped the car.

The man: You have reached your destination!

Baekhyun: Really?

Baekhyun was tapping, getting his seatbelt off. The man hurried over to Baekhyun to assist him.

Baekhyun got out of the car.

The man: We are next to a cycle stand.

Baekhyun: Oh ok my house is nearby.

Chanyeol suddenly approached and ran to Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: You're here! I was about to come get you. I was so worried! Your phone was turned off.

Baekhyun: Oh! Chanyeol-ah! Sorry,I wanted to call you but my phone was dead.

Chanyeol:Oh.I am glad you returned safely.Is this man your da-

Baekhyun: No he isn't. Listen, I have something to talk about to you back at home.

Chanyeol: Ok.

Baekhyun: He helped me to get home. He is such a nice person.

Chanyeol: Thanks dude to help him. Do you wanna come in for coffee or something?

The man: No no no! It's fine! My hyung's bothering me to go home.

Vivi came one last time and sniffed Baekhyun.

Baekhyun bent down while patting Vivi: Bye Vivi! And thank you. You're a savior.

That man: It's our pleasure. Take care. Bye then.

Baekhyun: Thanks a lot. Bye then.

The man smiled and went back to his car with his dog. He saw the beautiful blind person leave with another man.

The man: You like him Vivi? For some time, I thought he could be my destiny. I think other man is his boyfriend, or maybe husband? The other man definitely seemed very caring of him.He is so lucky to have this beautiful cute person beside him.I'd want to meet him again sometime. I wish he was my soulmate.I don't know when I'll meet my soulmate. But we have to go home!

Once the man entered his house:

The man: Suho hyung?

Suho: OH SEHUN!!! Where's that little devil?! That thing didn't just poop on my bed, but also on my laptop and my shirt that I left for my date with Lay!!! It's a menace!!

Sehun: Hey! You hurt Vivi! He ate too many of your fiber cookies. It's your fault. Did you forget that you accidentally ate Vivi's food?

Suho: My mouth smells like disgusting meat and my shirt now smells like thanks to you! Sehun!

Sehun: Just wear another shirt! It's not that big of a deal.

Suho: That's my favorite shirt. My Lay gifted me. I wanted to wear for our date. Lay loves that color on me.

Sehun: Ah hyung don't be upset. Lay hyung loves you in every color. It's just a date...

Suho: What would you know?! You've never dated before!

Sehun: I will only date when I meet my soulmate. When they appear before me, I'll date them.

Suho: What nonsense. Fictional story in your fictional world.

Sehun: No they do exist! You're just lucky you found yours early- Nah actually you're old.

Suho: Hey!! I'm only 3 years older than you!

Sehun: Whatever! I'll be waiting for my soulmate!

Suho: Wait till you get old and crippled, without your 'soulmate'! Anyways give me money to get my shirt dry-cleaned!

Sehun while rolling his eyes: Hyung I don't work now. Whenever I will get a job I will buy you a beautiful shirt.

Suho: Ok fine.

Suho left from there.

Sehun with Vivi: Let's go to our room Vivi! Thank goodness you didn't poop infront of the beautiful person- Oh ! I forgot to ask him again his name! Oh well, it's not like we will meet again and he didn't trust me. It's quite sad though. I wish we were soulmates. He is so perfect, isn't it Vivi?

At Baekhyun's house:

After entering his house, Baekhyun told Chanyeol everything that happened to him. Hearing everything, Chanyeol's fist tightened with anger, wanting to punch Kim Taehyung for leaving Baekhyun. He was even more angry at Kai for setting them up.

Chanyeol: If I find that man, I'll beat the out of hi-

Baekhyun: It's ok. Thank goodness that man was there and he saved me.

Chanyeol: You're right.

Baekhyun: How did the man look? Was he handsome? What was he wearing?

Chanyeol: He was tall, although slightly shorter than me. He was lanky but a manly figure. He had wide shoulders and a long face. He was very pale, with a sharp jawline. His eyes were cold but he had a kind smile. He was indeed quite handsome. He was wearing black jeans and a tight white shirt. Why do you ask?

Baekhyun: I was just curious. I heard that soulmates come when you most need them. God sends them to help you. He could've been my soulmate.

Chanyeol: He seems like a nice guy. You got his number?

Baekhyun: Damn it! I forgot to ask.

Chanyeol: Don't worry. You got his name right? Most people are active on social media so we can find his social media account.

Baekhyun, slightly embarrassed: I don't know what either...

Chanyeol: You didn't ask him his name?!

Baekhyun while scratching his head in embarrassment: I forgot to.. I mean I thought it's not safe to tell my name name and asked him too.

Chanyeol: You're an idiot!

Baekhyun: I'll meet him again, if he is my destiny.

Present time:

Chanyeol: I called Kai and shouted at him for setting Baekhyun up with such a guy but Kai didn't expect to turn out like this. He apologized. Ever since then, Baekhyun always refused to go to blind dates.

Kyungsoo was shocked by the entire story.

Kyungsoo: I'm sorry to hear that. That man really deserves a hard punch to the jaw! If I find a great guy, I'll suggest him to Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: Sure!

Since then, Chanyeol and D.O spent a lot time together and got really busy. They used to go on dates often. Baekhyun was lonely at home, and wanted Chanyeol's company but he knew it was important for Chanyeol to spend some time with Kyungsoo.

One day, Chanyeol was out with D.O. Baekhyun was listening to music alone in his house, when he received a phone call.

Baekhyun grabbed his phone and heard a deep voice, somewhat familiar but the person was speaking unbelievably fast.

The person on the phone: Chen hyung! I can't believe you still use this number! Sorry I haven't been able to call recently! Hyung told me to call you.

Baekhyun: Who is this?

The person on the phone heard a very angelic, soulful voice.

The person: Chen hyung, I heard you're getting married!! Where is it going to happen? By the way you sound a bit different, are you sick?

Baekhyun: No. I'm sorry but I think you got the wrong number. I'm not Chen hyung.

The person on the phone: Oh I'm sorry-

Baekhyun: Excuse me, but is the song in the background 'My eyes' by 10cm?

The person: Yeah it is!

Baekhyun: I'm a big fan of 10cm.

The person: Me too!

Baekhyun: I have a huge collection of his songs and stuff like that.

The person: I listen to his music often. I really like 'Drawer' and 'Island'..

Baekhyun: There's also 'For Love' and ' What the Spring?' But...

The person and Baekhyun together: 'But It's Destiny' is my favorite!

They both laughed.

Baekhyun: Really?! I never thought it would match.

The person: I have a lot of friends but none of them are 10cm fans. At least I finally found someone who matches, and we even have the same favorite song! That's a miracle.

Baekhyun could hear a scream in the background.

The person: Sorry! It's my hyung. I'll have to cut the call. Maybe we'll talk again.

Suho: SEHUN!! That little devil of yours-

Sehun: He has a name you know! Vivi!

Suho: That thing pooped in my bed again!!! I was coming from work after a long day and wanted to take a nap but that little pooped on my pillow and..look what it did to my hair!!!!

Sehun with giggle: No wonder you stink so bad! You'll need all the perfume to get Lay to even come close to you now.

Suho: THIS IS NOT FUNNY! Oh Sehun! Keep your Oh Vivi out of my room!

Sehun: You should thank Vivi! You already stank! Now go wash yourself before I faint from your gorgeous scent!

Suho while furiously stomping out: Shut up! And by the way, Chen's wedding card is on the table. He came by my office. I'm going with Lay. You can come with Xiumin and Luhan. He will be happy if you attend his wedding.

Sehun: Ok. I will go.

Suho while glaring: And remember, keep that dog away!!

Sehun: Yes your highness! Now leave!

After a few days, Sehun went to Chen's wedding. He was talking to Suho's friends, who are close to him. All of them were teasing Sehun for not having a partner unlike all of them.

Luhan: Sehun, did you finally find someone? Is there any good news for us?

Sehun: No. Not really.

Xiumin: So when are you going to date someone?

Suho: Oh you guys don't know? He's waiting for his destiny!

Tao: What's up with that?

Lay: Oh I guess my soon to be brother in law isn't looking for a partner, but a soulmate.

All of them continued teasing Sehun.

Sehun: Why are you guys all teasing me?!

Suho: Sehun I can confirm, you and your dog will be bachelors forever.

Sehun: Stop! It's ok if you tease me but not Vivi! And don't worry, I'll meet my soulmate soon. Now let's go, Chen hyung is going to sing a song for Mihee noona!

Chen sang beautifully for his wife. He even took requests from others to sing songs.

One of the requests was ' But It's Destiny' by 10cm.

Chen: This is your request right, Sehun?

Sehun: Yeah!

Chen was about to start when Sehun remembered someone so he went outside and made a phone call.

Soon, a person with an angelic voice accepted the call.

Sehun: Hello?

The angelic voice: Hello? Who is this?

Sehun: You don't remember me? The 10cm fan?

The angelic voice: I remember you! I was planning to talk to you again.

Sehun: Actually I'm at a wedding when this song was there and it reminded me of you.

The angelic voice: Wait I can hear it slightly..

Sehun: Wait let me get you closer..

Sehun went inside, and that man could hear Chen clearly now.

After the song finished, Sehun went outside.

Sehun: Did you like it?

Baekhyun: Wow! The person who sang this has a great voice! Very clear!

Sehun: Did I disturb you?

Baekhyun: No! I was free. I'm glad someone thought of me when hearing a song, and especially at a wedding.

Sehun: Wedding? I was getting bored. Everyone was teasing me because I don't have a partner.

Baekhyun: Aww...

Sehun: But I don't want a partner like that!

Baekhyun: Don't tell me you're searching for a destiny?!

Sehun: Yeah!

Baekhyun: That's just like me!

Sehun: So you believe in it too???

Baekhyun: Yeah, I believe in it too.

Sehun: Thank goodness there's someone else who believes in it aside from me! People tease me for believing in this, especially my brother and his friends.

Baekhyun with a chuckle: My friend also teases me about it.

Sehun liked Baekhyun's chuckle.

Sehun: You know, your chuckle feels very familiar, like I've heard it somewhere but I can't pinpoint where.

Baekhyun: I feel like I've heard your deep voice too, but I'm not sure where.

Baekhyun: I guess a lot of people have similar voices.

Sehun: Or maybe we met somewhere before. If destiny wants, we might meet again.

Baekhyun didn't really have friends aside from Chanyeol, D.O and maybe Kai. He could use another friend.

Sehun was also mostly friends with Suho's friends so he would enjoy having another friend who he could can connect with.

They were feeling surprisingly comfortable talking to each other.

After some days passed, they didn't talk to each other. They thou

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Chapter 2: Just finished reading this fic.
I just wanted some more time for them.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Ilovebyunbaekhyun_92 #2
Very nice story, loved it💕